How important is Poker face?

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Of course, when every player knows that people’s emotions can be read through facial expressions. Everyone was devoted to observing the expressions on their faces. including concealing emotions with a calm expression Or some may be even more skilled that they can show their facial expressions that contradict their true emotions. or keep your face still But an expert can make the other person think they’ve got a bad card with a serious blow.

He had to do this because the player’s expression was a good source of information. That would allow him to predict the player’s situation. In addition to the sparkling face. The time spent thinking and making decisions can also tell you how the other person is. Taking too much time may indicate insecurity. So if you can’t think of anything, keep your face still take the time. It will save you from reading facial expressions.

How important is Poker face?

Psychology and reading of the faces of poker players

It is well known among poker players that the study of psychology is very important. Many professional players besides playing skills. They are devoted to the study of psychology. Reading gestures and behaviors to understand the thinking process or the thoughts of the other party One thing that people often find difficult to hide is the feelings expressed through their facial expressions and eyes. If you’re not sure, try saying something that offends the other person’s ears, maybe no one will smile happily at them. but will block their eyes

The reason for this is because the facial expressions we show are not through a complex thought process. When you think about things that are happy, fun, or funny, sometimes you accidentally show your face until other people say you’re crazy. And this is what poker players use as a weapon to beat this highly skilled gambling UFABET game.